The Value of One Lamb

By Pam Vaughn
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What is one lamb worth? The Bible shares with us a beautiful parable of a shepherd that had a hundred sheep, yet when one went astray, he left the ninety and nine to go search for the one that was lost. The Value of One Lamb gives us a look into the lives of people who have left the fold and have become trapped in darkness.

Many of these lost lambs feel helpless and alone. Some feel God doesn’t love them anymore. This attitude has driven them into a deeper state of hopelessness. They do not feel that there is anyone that they can confide in, nor anyone that truly cares. Therefore, their lives are ridden with guilt and shame.

From personal testimonies to Biblical references Pam Vaughn gives us insight into these situations. She not only provides biblically based hope for the lost sheep, but gives scriptural insight and references to the church members on how they can help those that are lost in the wilderness and how they can be reconciled to Christ.

Have you wandered away from the fold? Do you have a loved one that has gone astray? If so, this book is for you. Whether it is homosexuality or any other sin, Jesus is the answer. Calvary and the Lamb of God offers hope to the hopeless, strength to the weak, and restoration to the lost. One lamb is worth it all.


SKU: 31677
ISBN: 9780578118192

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