Blessed Are: A Practical Look at the Beatitudes eBook

By LJ Harry
Word Aflame Press
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“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Thus begins the famous words of Jesus known as the Beatitudes. There are eight such sayings, each beginning with the words, “Blessed are.” Each one of these beatitudes taught everyone in the first century (and still teaches everyone in the twenty-first century) how to be blessed. They might be mistaken for a shopping list for the soul, just a list of eight virtues to pick up before we leave the store. But they’re not. They’re inseparably interwoven. In fact, they’re like rungs on an eight-foot ladder. Each one leads to the next. And the journey to the top starts for each of us on the bottom rung with “Blessed are the poor in spirit.”

In this book LJ Harry brings practical wisdom to an ancient text. His engaging style, uncompromising devotion, and hard-earned wisdom shines through these pages as he teaches us from his experiences and observations how we, too, can be blessed as we follow the principles exemplified in the Beatitudes.


SKU: 31577
ISBN: 9780757763687

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