The Difference Maker: Seven Principles for Achieving Success in Ministry

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A difference maker is a person who has felt a call of God on his or her life and has responded with determination and a resolve to fulfill that call. This book contains seven core principles that will help us fulfill God’s ultimate plan and purpose for our lives and energize the course of our ministry for life. Read it, study it, and absorb the advice and wisdom contained herein. God’s purpose for you will be made progressively clear as you plan your next steps, begin to take action, and thoroughly implement these principles in your life.

The seven principles are:
• God-Discovery Surpasses Self-Discovery
• Your Source Defines Your Potential
• Your Purpose Defines Your Priorities
• If You Circumvent the Process, You Forfeit the Blessing
• Faithfulness with Small Things Is the Precursor to Bigger Things
• The Promise Giver Is Greater Than the Promise
• Your Calling Supersedes Your Position, Role, and Responsibility


SKU: 30534
ISBN: 9780757763540

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