God designed us in His own image. No wonder we are fearfully and wonderfully made! Our bodies perform numerous tasks, most of which we never give a second thought. We can see, hear, feel, taste, and smell. We can bend, crawl, walk, and run. Last but certainly not least, our bodies have been designed to be the temple of the Holy Ghost. Our Creator deserves the glory. A medical clinic that shares the miracles of Jesus is the setting for Miracle Center. By learning about their bodies (from their five senses to their muscles, mind, and heart) children will learn that they are fearfully and wonderfully made by God, and that their bodies are His temple.
In addition to lessons for a full 13-week quarter, Miracle Center includes special helps to turn Unit 1 into a vacation Bible school program.
'Shout to the Lord Kids!' CD (order separately) is intended for use with this manual.
A resource kit is also available, which contains both the this manual and the 'Shout to the Lord Kids!' CD.
More Info about Miracle Center
Décor: Medical Center
Character: Doctor Kline and staff
Unit One:The Five Senses
Hour 1 Did You See That? (Jesus Heals the Blind Man at the Pool)
Hour 2 Do You Hear What I Hear? (Jesus Heals a Deaf Man)
Hour 3 This Is Delicious! (Jesus Feeds Four Thousand)
Hour 4 That Smells Good! (Jesus Is Anointed)
Hour 5 Reach Out and Touch (Jesus Is Touched)
Unit Two: What Holds Me Together
Hour 6 Skin So Soft (Jesus Heals Ten Lepers)
Hour 7 Stand Up Straight (Jesus Heals a Broken Back)
Hour 8 Feel That Muscle (Jesus Heals the Lame Man at the Pool)
Hour 9 The Cleansing Blood (Jesus Gives His Blood)
Unit Three: My Temple—His Sanctuary
Hour 10 Take a Deep Breath (Jesus Raises the Widow’s Son)
Hour 11 The Tongue Tamer (The Holy Ghost Comes)
Hour 12 A Sound Mind (Jesus Frees the Wild Man at Gadara)
Hour 13 With My Whole Heart (Zacchaeus Has a Change of Heart)