Ministerial Development - The Minister's Vision and Reward - Lesson 24 - (MP3)

By David K. Bernard
Word Aflame Press
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Lesson 24. The Minister’s Vision and Reward
Note: See The Pentecostal Minister and Growing a Church

A. Personal Vision: My Commitment to Ministry (see Growing a Church)
1. I will affirm and reaffirm the fundamentals of the apostolic faith and Christian living, to myself and to the people I serve.
2. I will pursue life in the Spirit—including communion with Christ, the leadership of the Spirit in all things, and the anointing of the Spirit in all that I do.
3. I will seek a balanced, well-rounded life and ministry: in Spirit and Word, in preaching and teaching, in evangelism and discipleship.
4. I will love, respect, and encourage people.
5. I will be merciful, and I will believe in people. If I am to err, I will err on the side of mercy. I will give people the benefit of the doubt. I will bend, but not break, in order to give people the opportunity to grow and develop.
6. I will not seek personal gain, position, or glory.
7. I will serve God and serve people.

B. Group Vision (see Growing a Church)
1. New Life Vision Statement: “The mission of New Life Church is to evangelize and equip people with the gospel of Jesus Christ in Spirit and truth for the glory of God.”
2. New Life Goals:

• Provide friendly internal and external relations
• Promote missions awareness and support
• Increase contacts
• Promote effective means of follow-up
• Build personal relationships and strong family units
• Provide continuous education for everyone
• Increase involvement
• Promote godly disciplines

C. The Minister’s Reward
1. I Peter 5:4
2. Revelation 21:4
3. Matthew 25:21


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