Ministerial Development - The Minister's Task - Lesson 6 - (MP4)

By David K. Bernard
Word Aflame Press
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Lesson 6. The Minister’s Task
II Timothy 2:15-26; 4:1-5

A.Be diligent to meet God’s approval
B.Correctly handle the Word
C.Avoid profane babbling and foolish arguments
D.Flee youthful lusts (see I John 2:15-17)
E.Pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace
F.Do not quarrel
G.Be gentle (kind) to all
I.Be patient (not resentful)
J.Correct those in error
1.In humility
2.They actually oppose themselves (don’t take it personally)
3.Goal: lead them to repentance and knowledge of truth
K.Preach the Word
1.Be prepared at all times
2.Correct, rebuke, encourage with patience and doctrine
L.Always be watchful
M.Endure hardship
N.Do the work of an evangelist
O.Fulfill your ministry


SKU: 25287

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