Ministerial Development - Developing Servant Learders - Lesson 15 - (MP4)

By David K. Bernard
Word Aflame Press
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Lesson 15. Developing Servant Leaders

A.Importance of Involving Others
1.A key to winning and retaining people is to involve them in relationship and activities. Use them or lose them.
2.Biblical pattern of the members of the body ministering to one another.
3.People need on-the-job training to become fully effective.
4.They need involvement for their own spiritual strength and growth.
5.Involvement reveals hidden talents and stimulates new commitments.
6.For a growing, evangelistic church, there is always more to do. The choice is not between a partially qualified person and a highly qualified person, but between getting a job done at least in part or not getting the job done at all.
7.Goal: find a job for all to do, even if they are not yet qualified for leadership.

B.Delegation: Involving Others in the Work
1.Biblical examples: Exodus 18:21-23; Numbers 11:16-17; Acts 14:23.
a.Fear that no one else can do the job as well.
b.Fear that someone can do the job as well.
3.Three essential elements.
a.Give responsibility for a job or task.
b.Give authority to do the job or task.
c.Establish lines of accountability.
4.A=R. Authority must be equal to the responsibility, and vice versa.
5.Diagnostic questions for when to delegate.
a.Does anyone need to do the task?
b.Can someone else do it well enough? Example: 80% as well.
c.Does it waste someone else’s time?
6.Maintaining loyalty of leaders.
7.Dealing with actual or potential disloyalty, especially attitude and timing.

C.Identifying and Selecting Potential Leaders
1.Start with small responsibilities, Matthew 25:21; Luke 16:10-12.
2.Use spiritual discernment, Luke 6:12-13.
3.Look for people who have initiative and burden, people who are already doing something in the field with little or no recognition.
4.Rely on department heads and activity coordinators to identify potential workers.
5.If someone does not work well in a position, find a creative way to move him or her into another area of responsibility.
6.As much as possible, find ways to use people who have failed.

D.Training and Equipping Leaders
1.We are stewards of those placed in our care; we are responsible to develop them.
2.Value of home-grown leaders.
3.Leadership development classes; leadership institute.
4.Ministry development classes.
5.Leadership team (department heads) meetings, seminars, and annual retreat.
6.Quarterly departmental meetings.
7.Departmental seminars, conferences, and retreats.
8.Self-study or outside training programs.
9.Mentoring and on-the-job training.

1.Invest quality time in people with the greatest desire and potential, those who have already demonstrated ability and commitment.
2.Communicate burden and vision.
a.Maximize your own effectiveness and efficiency.
b.Establish a church that can minister to everyone.


SKU: 25307

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