Desperately Seeking Direction EBook

By Chris Paris
Word Aflame Press
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We often imagine the will of God to be a straight line from point A to point B. We start with an expectation of smooth roads, good weather, and clearly marked guideposts that provide reassurance we are heading the right way. But it doesn’t take long before we realize the journey isn’t as straightforward as we expected.

Consider the life of Joseph. He may have thought the interval between his dream of ruling over his family and its fulfillment would be relatively short. But Joseph soon learned what many of us learn: the meantime can be a mean time.

In this book Chris Paris guides readers through life’s unexpected twists and turns using illustrations from biblical stories and modern-day life. Whether you are soon heading off to college or you’ve lived a few decades and are looking for a new start in a ministry or a career, Desperately Seeking Direction will help you realize there is a “right time” waiting for us all. And if we can follow the author’s advice and exercise patience, avoid meanness, and choose joy, we will be well on our way to finding the answers we seek.


SKU: 31553
ISBN: 9780757760358

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