Big Idea — Just like a song, our lives are made up of many different elements. The consistent factor that ties all variables together is the rhythm. We were created by God, the composer of our lives; therefore, the consistent rhythm in our lives is, “His mercy endureth forever.”
• Week 1 - The Composer: Sovereignty
When we follow and are submitted to God, He will order each moment of our lives. Because each detail of our lives is under the rule and reign of God, we are to give thanks to Him for His sovereignty in our lives.
• Week 2 - The Intro: Origin
We serve a God whose mercy endures forever. We can believe this because of the wonders in Heaven.
• Week 3 - The Chorus: Deliverance
The mercy of God is available to us, especially when we are going through difficult times.
• Week 4 - The Bridge: Heritage
The church has a glorious heritage, one from which we should receive strength, encouragement, faith, and instruction in order to conquer the challenges of both today and tomorrow.
• Week 5 - Encore: Redemption
At the end of Psalm 136, our attention is drawn to God’s power of redemption, which concludes the call and response chorus. Our conclusion should be that redemption is a dramatic experience.