I Surrender All (eBook)

By Charles Clanton
Word Aflame Press
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I Surrender All is the thrilling biography of Pauline Gruse, who unselfishly surrendered her all to the call of God upon her life to the West African nation of Liberia, where she faithfully labored for almost 30 years. Liberia, one of the oldest Pentecostal mission fields, has known many great missionaries over the past 90 years, but none with a burden more intense than that of Pauline Gruse, or as the nationals lovingly called her-'Ma Gruse.'Since 1983, Albert and Tegeste Stewart have served as missionaries to Liberia. Though several periods of intense civil strife and severe famine they have continued to labor faithfully and relentlessly. Pray for Liberia!


SKU: 23783
ISBN: 9781567227970

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