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Audio MP3 files of these listed sessions and speakers

Stan Gleason - Creating a Culture of Disciple-Making
Vani Marshall - How to Use ESL (English as a Second Language) as an Evangelism Tool
Wanda Chavis - Balance
Donna Linville - I Smile Because I Don’t Know What I’m Doing
Nathan Harrod - Faith, Healing, and the Miraculous: Practical Teaching and Application
Eddie Gorden - Keeping Kids’ Attention
Aaron Bounds, Paul Graham, Scott and Karla Sistrunk, Scott and Susan Armstrong - Daughter Work Panel Discussion
Tom Foster - Seven Principles of Apostolic Growth
Raymond Woodward - Why I Call Myself a Teacher
Eugene Wilson - Managing Conflict within Teams
Julie Long - More to Life (Ladies Bible Studies)
Flo Shaw - Prayer: Going Up to the High Places
Rachel Coltharp - Discipling Begins at Home
Debbie Akers - Ladies Prayer International
Brandon Cowden - New Material-Songs
Janice Sjostrand - The Healthy Pastor’s Wife
Debbie Saiz - Fundamentals of Single Adult Ministry
Jackie Little - Critical Leadership Competency: Emotional Intelligence
Thetus Tenney - Things I’ve Learned Along The Way
Tom Velie - Adoption: Making It the First Choice
Seth Boyte - Effective Youth Ministry Evangelism Tool
Charity Gayle, James Wilson, Laura Payne, Lindel Anderson - Songwriting Lab 101
Mike Easter - Prayer: The Demand of the Hour
Jonathan McClintock and Robin Johnston - Innovating How We Teach Adults
Cheryl Carter and David Hunt - Keys to An Effective Single Adult Ministry
Jeff Chavis - Planting a Multicultural Church from the Ground Up
Daniel Sirstad - Shame and Guilt
Charles Luff, Kip Averett, Raymond Robinson - An Introduction to Military Chaplaincy
Galen Thompson and Scott Sistrunk - So, You Want to Be a Church Planter
Bryan Barton and Stephen Drury - Church Loans and Investments
Charity Gayle, James Wilson, Laura Payne, Lindel Anderson - Songwriting Lab 102
Marrell Cornwell - Revival and Church Growth
Eli Hernandez - Prayer: Deeper Things
Loammi Diaz - Single by Circumstance
Ryan Dean - Effective Youth Ministry on a Local Level
Daniel Butler - Balance and Boundaries
Art Wilson - Reaching Public and Political Officials for the Kingdom
Raul Orozco - Spanish Ministry in a Local Church
Brad Thompson - Teams in Global Missions
Lee Ann Alexander - Teaching to Reach the Heart
Aubrey Jayroe and Brad Jacobs - Securing the Future
Mark Morgan - The Kingdom, the Power, the Glory
Jack Cunningham - The “M” Factor in a Revival Church
Jim Poitras and Seneatha Clayton - All about Short-Term Missions
Lorin Bradbury - The Importance and Benefits of a Pastoral Sabbatical
Lloyd Squires - Cross Training
Tim Gaddy - Creating and Promoting a Growth Culture in the Church
Paul Graham - How to Bring Cultures Together Successfully
Jeromy Hoffee - Mentoring Young Musicians
Rashidi Collins - Connecting the Church to the Community
Irvin Baxter - Current Events in Bible Prophecy
Michael Loyd and Sharon Davis - Ministers Insurance
Richard Gifford - Classroom Security
Wayne Huntley - The Inhibitor of Instantaneous Success
Tim Zuniga - Five Difference Makers in Growing a Church
Robin Johnston - Closing the Back Door with Teaching to Disciple
Lindel Anderson - The Transition
Bruce Howell - Young Couples in Global Missions
Jimmy Toney - Teaching Holiness in an Unholy World
Darrell Johns - Personal and Pastoral Priorities
Steve Hanson - Reaching North America’s Metro Areas
David Tipton - Intentional Integration of Cultures within the Church

Also included are this year's Workshop Sessions:
Teacher's Training Part 1 and 2 - Jeannie Bland
Church Management Software Parts 1-3 - Tim Huestess
Church security and the Watchman’s Role Part 1 and 2 - Steve Padin
Church Insurance - Nathan Brown

Once you have your access code go to www.dropcards.com/UPCIGC18SEMINARS


SKU: 29862
ISBN: 029862

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