Full Throttle (eBook)

By Bennie Demerchant
Word Aflame Press
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On October 29, 1965, a young North American couple in their mid twenties invaded Manaus, Brazil. The city of 180,000 Brazilians took no note of these foreign folk who spoke not a word of their language and who knew no one in town. When the couple arrived, not one other person in the whole of the Amazon Basin knew anything about repentance, baptism in Jesus’ name, or the infilling of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. Today, over 650 UPC churches, 40,000 saints, and 35 Bible schools cover many areas of that vast jungle basin. It is impossible to measure the full impact that this missionary family has had on the people of Brazil, but their willingness to go where God called them has yielded an immense harvest in the kingdom of Heaven.


SKU: 23623
ISBN: 9781567228137

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