Bad Decisions Leader's Guide - The legacy of Lot

By Carlton L. Coon Sr
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Leader's Guide

Decisions may have deferred outcomes, but decisions NEVER happen in a vacuum. In warning about disobedience, some Jewish parents tell their children, "Remember Lot's Wife." On a certain day, Jesus also advised an audience to, "Remember Lot's wife." 

And remember her we shall. Lot's wife made a memorable decision resulting in her destruction. One decision! Don't forget it. We only know of one decision the woman made. 

What about the decisions Lot made? Lot's collective decisions put his wife in a position to make one tragic decision. In Bad Decisions - The Legacy of Lot we examine Lot's bad decisions and what he could have done differently.

Every man decides. The choices we make are the making of a life. Often, a man's decisions make or break his wife, children, grandchildren, and generations to come. Lot's legacy is not faith, intercession, or inheriting God's promise. Lot's legacy recorded in Genesis is unspeakably dirty. 

Lot decided for the well-watered plains of the Jordan valley. Lot chose on the basis of his ambition and covetousness. 

Lot chose to "tent toward Sodom." It was part of a progressive decision. Perhaps Lot chose to look toward the city of Sodom because he remembered the grand city of Ur?

Lot decided to relocate his family to Sodom though he clearly knew the ungodliness of the place. Did Lot choose without considering the influence Sodom would have on his family? 

Lot returned to Sodom after being rescued by Abram. The king of Sodom and the walls of Sodom could not protect Lot. Was Lot now well warned of the danger inherently part of where he chose to live? He ignored the danger and decided to stay.

Lot chose to become influential in Sodom. He sat at the gate of the city. Lot was a toxic parent who decided to make his virgin daughters available to rapists. Lot decided to linger! Lot's decisions destroyed his influence with the older daughters and sons-in-law. Bad decisions. Lot made drunk and seduced by his daughters; not once but two nights in succession. Men, you know Lot realized something untoward had happened. On the second night Lot repeated his decision. Learn about Lot's grandchildren born of incest.

Decisions, decisions, decisions. You are making decisions now that will impact your wife and family. What will your legacy be? It should not be the same as Lot. Learn from Bad Decisions - the Legacy of Lot.

"Every time you make a choice you are turning the central part of you, the part that chooses, into something a little different than what it was before. And taking your life as a whole, with all your innumerable choices, you are slowly turning this central thing either into a heavenly creature or into a hellish creature," wrote C.S. Lewis. 

Bad Decisions - The Legacy of Lot is the second book in the God's Men series. The first book - Distinctly Different 


SKU: 30471
ISBN: 9798698707851

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