Adventureland Guided Tours - Teacher Manual - Kids Power Hour

By Kids Power Hour
Word Aflame Press
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Take the vacation of a lifetime as you travel to the Holy Land!
Your tour guide, Simon bar David, will teach that (1) God gives us leaders, (2) God has a plan for our lives, and (3) God guides us. Activities, games, songs, scripts, illustrated children's sermons - everything you need for an exciting hour of children's church - is provided. A CD containing songs mentioned throughout the lessons is also available.

More Info about Adventureland Guided Tours

Décor: Bible Lands
Characters: Simon bar David, tour guide
Unit One: Joshua Leads Israel into the Promised Land
1. Joshua Becomes the Leader
2. Israel Crosses Jordan
3. Israel Goes to Battle
4. Israel Is Tricked
Unit Two: Daniel Is Taken into Hostile Territory
5. Daniel Is Carried into Babylon
6. Daniel and His Friends Refuse the King’s Meat
7. Daniel Interprets the King’s Dream
8. Daniel Reads the Handwriting on the Wall
Unit Three: Paul Ventures into Unexplored Territory
9. Paul and Barnabas Are Commissioned
10. Paul Receives the Macedonian Call
11. Paul Teaches on Mars’ Hill
12. Paul Prays for Eutychus
13. Paul’s Adventure at Sea


SKU: 12414
ISBN: 9781567225747
Page Count: 128

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