Pentecostal Resources Group is pleased to offer the BREAD Resource Kit. This digital resource provides various tools to help your church promote and administer a Bible reading program. The purchase of the kit provides you with a license to use all its resources for ministry within your local church. The digital resource kit contains:
• Promotional Materials
o Ready-to-print posters in various sizes.
o Graphics in various sizes for use in social media posts and PowerPoint
• Administrative Materials
o BREAD Certificates – certificates to acknowledge those that complete the
BREAD program. Separate certificate templates are provided for children, adults,
and in Spanish.
o BREAD Log – reading log pages to help track Bible reading progress each month.
• Bible Lesson
o The resource kit includes one lesson on the importance, authority, and
applicability of God’s Word. This lesson entitled “Words of Eternal Life” can be
used to teach a class, a Bible study, a small group, or can be used as a sermon
outline for a “launch Sunday” when the BREAD program is being promoted in
the local church.