Link247 Thy Kingdom Come

By Link247
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Big Idea — Jesus began His ministry on earth by proclaiming the coming of the kingdom of Heaven. To enter the Kingdom now and in eternity, the Kingdom must come in and flow out of an available vessel. This series focuses on the elements of the Kingdom and how anyone who desires it can be a vessel for the glory, power, and authority of God.

• Week 1 — Thy Kingdom Come

Our human nature does not naturally fit into the kingdom of Heaven; we must be transformed to live in His realm.

• Week 2 — Yesterday

God poured out the Holy Ghost in a significant and powerful way on the Day of Pentecost (the initial outpouring) and in the early years of the twentieth century. This lesson highlights the characteristics of those groups of people and how they prayed and believed for God’s kingdom to come in their lives.

• Week 3 — Today

If we have His Spirit flowing through us in prayer, His words being planted in us through Bible study, and His will replacing our will through fasting, others will see Him and His kingdom established wherever we are.

• Week 4 — Forever

Aligning with the kingdom of God gives us an understanding of eternity and births a burden for the gospel. Through this understanding we can not only know God and experience Him for ourselves, but we can turn around act as God’s ambassadors to a lost world.


SKU: 29995
ISBN: 029995

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