Strategy for Life for Singles and Young Adults

By Word Aflame Publications
Word Aflame Press
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God has the answers for the problems and challenges of every person, regardless of his status in life. The single segment of the North American people-those who never married, the divorced, the separated, the single parents, and those who have last a companion-is constantly growing in this fast-world, often creating new challenges, However, God still has the answers that people need. Whatever a person's lot in life, whether married or single, his attitude should be checked and guided by the Lord Jesus Christ. In every circumstance, the power of making positive decisions can be the answer to personal dilemmas. Knowing and doing the will of God is an important element in every person's life. This book, Strategy for Life for Singles and Young Adults, is intended to help guide the single person into the safe harbor of contentment and productivity in Christ Jesus.

Chapter topics include: So You Are Single; Single but Never Alone; Living with Yourself and Liking It; Reach Out and Touch Someone; Coping-Not Copping Out; Your Best Friend; Old Scores and Old Sores; Fibers That Strengthen; Is There Not a Cause?; You Can Handle It; Strategy for Life; The Powers That Be; and The Dawn of a New Day.

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SKU: 8814
ISBN: 9781567220629
Page Count: 160

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