Financial Planning for Successful Living PowerPoint (Download)

By Word Aflame Press
Word Aflame Press
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With spiritual and scriptural applications, this resource offers subjects such as money management, budgeting, tithing principles, investments, insurance retirement, wills, taxes, interest, and record keeping. 'This study, written and produced by godly individuals with years of experience, will provide the initial direction to take in securing one's financial life. From the simple principles of saving, giving, and investing, to those of budgeting and following God's guidelines, clear spiritual direction is given to help the reader experience a solid financial life.' -Aubrey Jayroe.

The PowerPoint file contains PowerPoint lessons that will assist the teacher in conveying the main points of these valuable lessons. It also includes '.pdf' files of the overheads to assist the teacher of the Financial Planning for Successful Living study text.


SKU: 25864
ISBN: 25864

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