Dominion (Revised) - A Bible Study for Men

By David K. Bernard , David Norris , Marvin Walker , Michael Williams
Word Aflame Press
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What if you felt in control–on the job, in your home, over your addictions? What if your spiritual life was vibrant and temptations no longer held their power over you? It’s possible, and even promised in the Word of God.

In this four-part series, powerful ministers of the gospel share the good news: that it is possible to take dominion over yourself, Satan, circumstance, and sin.

Designed for personal use or group study, this booklet contains powerful truths of God's Word, along with challenging questions and exercises that will help you apply it to your life. Scripture references and everything you need is included.

You were designed for dominion. Now... take it.


SKU: 30349
ISBN: 9780757754876

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