David K. Bernard is the general superintendent of the United Pentecostal Church International. He founded New Life Church of Austin, Texas, out of which 16 additional churches were started under his leadership. He is also the founding president of Urshan College and Urshan Graduate School of Theology. He has written 37 books that have been published in 39 languages with a total circulation of more than 900,000 copies.
Book List by David K. Bernard
Subject Index of Select Works By David K. Bernard
David K. Bernard’s Recommended Tools for Studying the Bible
World-renowned New Testament scholar and Oneness Pentecostal theologian, David K. Bernard, is not only the General Superintendent of the United Pentecostal Church International but also an award-winning author of several Oneness books that have been translated into thirty-nine languages, with an estimated circulation of 900,000 copies worldwide!
As a Professor of Biblical Studies and Apostolic Leadership at Urshan Graduate School of Theology, Dr. Bernard teaches students how to lead churches in today’s society by using biblical principles relevant to our daily lives. He believes God created us all to be leaders who can make a positive impact on those around us through love and service!
The Pentecostal Publishing House offers a wide array of David K. Bernard books that provide readers direct opportunities to learn from Dr. Bernard himself! We invite you to discover some of Brother Bernard’s recommended tools for studying the Bible or dive into an in-depth, yet easy to understand, revelation of Oneness doctrine. With over one hundred different books to choose from, you’re sure to elevate your understanding of who God is with the help of a book by Bishop David K. Bernard today!