
by Robert W. Martin
SKU: 31933
ISBN: 9798391800545
Price: $17.00
Availability: In Stock


The struggles in life are real, and offenses will come. In Pierced, Robert W. Martin shares the deep, sometimes painful, experiences of life and leads the reader on a quest to discern the heart of Jesus. Filled with many profound gems and keen insights into scriptural narrative, this well-written book is a must for those seeking help in navigating the rough seas of inner struggle. Although not a surface, shallow, feel-good read, this book will lead you on a quest of immense significance, a quest in which you will discover the matchless love of God, the remedy for shame, and the secrets of perseverance and fellowship. Pierced is a book that will be remembered and will continue to affect one long after it is read. It’s a must-read for those seeking a deeper relationship with the Divine.