Miss Polly's Hero - A Historical Novel

by LaJoyce Martin
Word Aflame Press
SKU: 16962
ISBN: 9780757728808
Page Count: 139
Price: $4.99 $3.99
Availability: In Stock


Sure that his destiny is to be forever alone---and lonely---Ben Andrews starts for the West Coast, fleeing dishonor and a sullied name. However, an injury lands him at a remote military outpost in the Territory of New Mexico, where the worried commander asks an unusual favor of him: to meet Miss Polly, the major's twenty-year-old daughter, who is on her way to the fort from the east. The stage route has become unsafe, and Ben's errand is to turn her back. Thus begins Ben's adventures and troubles, which include danger, love, discovery, and heartache. Will he ever clear his name?

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