
by Rebecca Fritchey
SKU: 31298
ISBN: 9798705823376
Price: $10.99
Availability: In Stock


Do you feel like you’re enough in all of the roles you hold-- as an employee, a parent, a friend, a spouse, a church leader, and a child of God? Do you feel like you have enough-- money, food, opportunities, respect, love, friends, social status? Have you ever felt guilty for not doing enough or overwhelmed that you’ve just had enough? Inadequacy is a sure road to despair and exhaustion, and it’s easy to feel inadequate in a world that pushes comparison, wealth, and social status as a path to happiness. But God wants to show you that Christ in you is-- and always will be-- more than enough. With Him, you can walk through any season with victory because He has already overcome the world! God always provides for His kids, even when He says ‘no.’ It’s time to lay aside those fears and weights of being inadequate, overlooked, and overwhelmed and choose to operate in the mindset of ‘enough.’ With this new perspective, you will find the rest, joy, and confidence that God has called you into.