Biblical Forgiveness

by Randy Julson
SKU: 30292
ISBN: 9781797489490
Price: $10.99
Availability: In Stock


Forgiveness is central to the message that we as Christians bring to our world. First and foremost, we present the gracious forgiveness that God offers to mankind, but secondly is the issue of forgiveness toward our fellow man. This is vitally important regarding our relationship with fellow Believers for if there are difficulties between us as Christian brothers or sisters, it directly affects the unity that God desires for us as a people. Prepare to have your mind challenged as to what you thought you knew about forgiveness. What teachings come from the Scriptures and what teachings are man-made dogmas? Some of the things that are commonly taught are very different from the way that Jesus intended forgiveness to be.“Biblical Forgiveness: Practicing Forgiveness the Way that Jesus Meant It to Be” deals with topics that are not commonly presented in most books on forgiveness. It draws on biblical insights from the relationship that we have with God, and extends those principles to the complex interpersonal relationships that we have with one another. As I wrote in the book, “My primary desire and intent for this book is that we express through our actions and our attitudes the great 'agape'' love of God, in particular regarding the relationship with those that have hurt us.”Topics that are covered include: Does God really command us to forgive unilaterally? How do you know that you have forgiven someone? What are the responsibilities of the one who has wronged you? Working toward reconciliation with someone who has offended you. Forgiving yourself. Forgiving God. What to do if someone has hurt you? What is a Christian to do if you have offended someone else? Biblical Forgiveness is packed with scriptural wisdom and advice for everyday life.